Our Ministries
At St. Andrew’s, we don’t just talk about servant ministry, we strive to live it. For some of us, servant ministry is already an integral part of our daily lives, such as when we care for our very young or very old families. Most of us are able to find some time to give to our parish ministries or community ministries, which is an opportunity to do God’s work in a way that is spiritually nourishing to everyone involved. To connect with any of our Ministry leads, contact the Church Office.
Lectors/Readers: This parish is truly blessed to have readers devoted to proclaiming scripture with care and conviction. In addition to reading the Old Testament and Epistle during our 10:00 am service, lectors participate in special services such as Advent Lessons and Carols, the passion narrative on Palm Sunday, and the Easter Vigil. New additions to the lector roster are always welcome. The lector schedule is created to around our lector's availability. We are fortunate to have a deep bench that can accommodate any changes that may arise.
Ushers: Working in teams of two, greeting worshipers as they come into church and helping during the service with the offering, Communion, attendee count and other tasks. After the service, one of the Ushers assists with counting the collection along with a Vestry member. Assignments are made monthly via email sign up. Ushers also serve in special services during the Christmas season, Lent and Holy Week, plus funerals.
Altar Guild: The Altar Guild is an essential in-house ministry whose members care for the candles, linens, and sacred vessels used during the celebration of Eucharist. The Altar Guild also prepares the sanctuary for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Members of the Altar Guild serve with their hearts and their hands to ensure the beauty and tradition of worship.
Acolytes & Fireflies: St. Andrew's children can participate in services monthly as fireflies (ages 4 and above) and acolytes (ages 10 and above). Right now we are offering this ministry on the first Sunday of the month during the program year. unless otherwise noted. Fireflies are robed and carry battery operated candles during the procession.
Flower Guild: The Flower Ministry at St. Andrews provides arrangements for the Sanctuary to enhance worship on Sundays and other special occasions. Arrangements are sponsored by members and friends of the congregation and created by trained ministry members. The suggested donation is $50.
Property Committee: St Andrew’s Property Committee provides guidance to St. Andrew’s Vestry on property maintenance and capital projects. Recent projects include replacing the ceiling in the church school rooms and replacing the side aisle copper roofing in the church sanctuary. Additionally, we refreshed the paint in the church school rooms using parishioner volunteers.
Grounds Crew: St. Andrew’s property occupies a full city block and forms a cherished green space in the heart of Highland Park. The grounds crew works to maintain this space year round, including an annual spring yard clean up.

Our Hospitality
St Andrew’s comes together at various times in food, faith, and fellowship. All are welcome to stay for coffee hour after our 10am service. Their mission is to cultivate an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and excitement for all who enter our church, whether they have been members for years or just wandered in for the first time.
To learn more about our special events, please see the Calendar.
Pastoral Care
Christ’s love and care for us is limitless, and we seek to build a community as strong as the body of Christ beyond just Sunday morning.
Home Eucharistic Visitation: A Eucharistic Visitor is a lay person who is sent by the congregation to share communion with those who are unable to join us on Sundays. Of course, the rector also makes regular home and hospital visits as well.
Parish Cares Ministry: This ministry sends cards to our parish members to help celebrate birthdays and anniversaries or just let them know we are thinking of them and praying for them.
Prayer Requests: As a congregation, we hold each other in our prayers. When any member of the parish has a special prayer request, it is added to the weekly service bulletin's prayer list. To request an addition to the prayer list, please contact the Parish Secretary.