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Dear People of St Andrew’s,


As I invite you to participate in stewardship this year, I’m so delighted to partner with you in caring for God’s people and creation in this place. God is doing a new thing: I know this is true in my own life, and I believe it is true in our life together at St Andrew’s. In prayer and in giving our gifts, we become more open to God’s invitation to be part of that sense of refuge and refreshment, of making a way for springs in the desert. In giving, we learn that the ordinary things that make our lives—our time, our money, our skills—are replenished by the measure of our generosity. Our offerings to this community build a spiritual home where all are welcome to lay their heads and be loved by God.



Sara +

At St Andrews, stewardship is more than just a financial gift; it’s about the time and energy you offer to the glory of God both at St Andrews and in the world. Whether you are called to offer your voice in song or your hands to dig in the dirt in our garden, to lead a committee or organize a reading group, each one of us has a gift to give. Our annual budget is built, in large part, on our pledges. We are grateful for every way members of our community give their time and resources.

Our Volunteering


At St Andrew's we welcome all volunteers. We know that your time is valuable and that we are each called to the work of God.

Our Giving

​What is a pledge? A pledge is an annual commitment made in good faith to give a designated amount in regular installments. You can divide your annual financial pledge into weekly or monthly payments. We invite you to make a pledge of your financial resources and your time and talent.


Why pledge? For two reasons. Practically, pledging allows the Vestry to create an accurate budget for the parish’s expenses.  Spiritually, pledging is an expression of our faith. We invite you to promise to support the mission and vision of our church by pledging. 


How do you give your gift? We have all been blessed with the gifts of time, talent and treasure. As a community of faith, we depend on monetary contributions to cover operating expenses, salaries for staff and the overhead of our ministries. We depend on the time and talent of our members to do the rest. We invite you to hear where God wants you to pledge your time, your talent and your treasure to further God’s work in our church and this world.


Make your pledge now. Click here to find our confidential online pledge form.

Ways to Give

Cash or Checks

Online Giving

Planned Giving and Other Gifts

Each Sunday morning, we collect an offering during the services.

Checks may also be mailed directly to the church, marked to the attention of the Finance Office.  St. Andrew's address is 5801 Hampton Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206-1615

You can set up a one-time gift or a recurring (weekly or monthly) donation online.

Vanco:  set up an account and arrange for a donation through a debit or credit card

PayPal or Debit/Credit Card: arrange for a donation from your bank account, debit card, or credit card.

The St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Finance Office offers assistance with stock gifts, estate planning and memorials to the church.  For more information, please contact the Parish Administrator at or 412-661-1245

Contact Us

5801 Hampton St. | Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Office: 412-661-1245



Parish Secretary, Office HoursMonday to Thursday, 9:30am to 2:00pm


Sunday Services: 8am in the Chapel, 10am in the Sanctuary

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