For Our Children

We invite families to join us for our worship services!
Children’s Church. During the 10am service, children ages 4-12 are invited to join our Children’s Church program. Children’s Church meets during the first 20 minutes of the 10am service, and children return to their families for Communion. Our Children’s Church program incorporates lessons from Godly Play curriculum as well as our “Faith in Action” series that has students engage with service and outreach ministries of St. Andrew’s.
Open play spaces. For children who do not attend Children’s Church, we have a play space available on the side of the sanctuary. Additionally, caregivers are welcome to take their smaller children upstairs to our nursery and entertain them with the toys available there.
Children’s Liturgy. During the first Sunday of every month, children will remain with their families and participate in the Children’s Liturgy during the 10am service.
Our church school operates September to June during the 10am Service. Contact the Church Office for more information.
Upcoming Church School Events
Church school winter hiatus, Dec 15 to Jan 5
Sheldon Calvary Camp Registration: If you have a kiddo between the ages of 7 and 17, don’t delay in encouraging them to sign up for camp at Registration opens on January 3, and we recommend you register as soon as possible.
Feb 2: Calvary Camp Sunday with camp songs and guest preacher Rev. Leslie Reimer, SCC’s director of spiritual life. With is focus on acceptance, belonging, joy, and love, SCC seeks to be a spiritual home for all of any faith.
Prayer and Study

Adult Formation continues to be a priority at St. Andrew's. During the past two decades, this has taken the form of adult Bible study, theological and devotional reading groups, and occasional use of external presenters. Before COVID and our last call, our previous Rector led informal discussions concerning Christian faith, practice, and mission opportunities during a coffee hour between Sunday morning services. During the pandemic, one of our lay leaders initiated a small group, Growth in the Spirit, to meet online to read and discuss a reading that facilitated devotion, prayer, and personal sharing. For questions about Prayer & Study, contact Rev Sara.
Centering Prayer Group: Meeting via Zoom on Wednesday evenings (7-8:15pm), this group engages in a 20-minute Centering Prayer and shared Lectio Divinia using the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday.
​Growth in the Spirit: Meeting via Zoom on Thursday mornings (9-10am), this group meets to read & discuss a reading that facilitates devotion, prayer, and personal sharing.​​ The next group will will start Jan 9th and run for 7-weeks.
The next book is Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving and Finding the Church by Rachel Held Evans. The book is part memoir, part exploration of the sacraments of the church. Study sessions are held on Thursdays at 9:00 am on Zoom, and will begin on January 9.
Sunday Morning Study Meeting in person in the Rectory conference room at 9am start Jan 12 (enter at the porch, rather than the church doors), videos and conversation with Borders & Belonging: The Book of Ruth: A Story for Our Time by Padraig O Tuama and Glenn Jordan, both of whom worked with the Corrymeela community in Northern Ireland in reconciliation work.
Bishop Ketlan's Epiphany Prayer Course From Grace Happens: We start at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan 12, and will meet every Sunday till the end of the Epiphany season on Sunday, March 2. Each gathering should last about an hour. This gathering is also a wonderful lead up to a diocesan-wide 24-hour online prayer vigil to be held on Ash Wednesday, March 5. The entire course will be offered online via an easy to register Zoom link here.