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Easter Altar 2023 for Website.jpg






8:00 am

Spoken service in the Chapel

10:00 am*

Holy Eucharist Rite II

(sung + family oriented)


*Church School meets during the service and join their grownups at the peace in time to receive communion with their families. The classrooms are upstairs from Brooks Hall (Elevator accessible).



Our live-streamed and archived services offer a way for anyone seeking a church to sample St. Andrew’s services to see if we might be a fit.


We invite you to join us for worship at St. Andrew’s. If you cannot attend a service because of distance, illness, or family obligation we recommend our live-streamed and archived services.


We live-stream our 10:00 am Sunday services,  Evensongs, and other special services on YouTube.


  • St. Andrew’s YouTube page
    (live-streaming and archives)


Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey, know that you are welcome here. Please explore our website, examine our story, then come and engage with us as we continue the never-ending story of God in Christ.



For more information, click on events below, or see the St. Andrew's Weekly Update.

  • Oct 09, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM
    The St Andrew's Centering Prayer group meets weekly via Zoom. We start socialization, then move to 20-minutes of Centering Prayer and end with shared Lectio Divina using the upcoming Sunday's Gospel reading. New members are always welcome, contact Bill Ghrist ( for more details.
  • Oct 16, 2024, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
    The Growth in Spirit book study group is studying the Psalms, using the book "A Glad Obedience: Why and What We Sing," by Walter Brueggemann. Study sessions are held on Wednesdays at 9:00 am on Zoom. For information on the group or the Zoom link, contact Wes Rohrer at
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