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All baptized Christians are members of Christ’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.  Membership at Saint Andrew’s is open to all baptized Christians who have been confirmed or who have been received into the Episcopal Church from another denomination. Becoming a member of the church signifies a deeper commitment to supporting God’s mission and ministry in this world. In the local context it means a commitment to the life, worship, and mission of the Saint Andrew’s family, and to the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.


Members in good standing are eligible to vote for vestry members and important issues at the Annual Parish Meeting. To be a member “in good standing” disciples are asked to prayerfully make a financial pledge, participate in worship service at least three times in the past six months, and take part in the one of the many ministries of the parish. The amount of your pledge is between you and God and should be prayerfully considered.


Regardless of the amount of time you spend here you become a member when you inform the Rector you wish to join us. However, know that you are always welcome to participate fully in any event or worship service without becoming a member – simply show up! If you are interested in membership, please contact the parish office.

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