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St. Andrew's Rector Search

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is responsible for searching for and selecting our new rector?

The Vestry, the Discernment Committee, the potential candidates, the congregation and the Bishop all work in partnership during this process of mutual discernment. This important time must be carried out prayerfully and with great care.

What is the job of the Profile Committee?

The purpose of the Profile Committee is to develop a self-reflective, prayerful document that maps who we have been, who are we now, and who we believe God is calling us to be. The purpose is also to map the congregation’s strengths and challenges in order to understand the gifts, graces, and skills needed in the next rector. This information will be published in the “Parish Profile”. Ideally this document will be grounded in a comprehensive, formal survey of the Parishioners that addresses the perceptions, preferences and priorities for our church and our new leadership. Once the Profile is approved by the Vestry and the Bishop’s office, it will be sent to the Discernment Committee to be used as the foundation for answering the Community Ministry Profile questions.

What is the job of the Discernment Committee?

The Discernment Committee’s job is to plan and implement a successful search for a new Rector. This should be a prayerful, thoughtful, informed and participatory discernment process through open, candid discussion and consensus building based on the Parish Profile and the insights, historical knowledge and balanced judgment of the team charged with this task. (For a step-by-step outline of the tasks assigned to the Discernment Committee, please see the Time line.)  Ultimately, the Discernment Committee identifies one or two candidates to present to the Vestry for consideration in partnership with the Bishop.

What is the working timeline for this process?

The discernment time varies and depends on a number of activities, such as the development of the Parish Profile, the gathering of the data and the careful responses to the Community Ministry Portfolio questions, and the input of the Bishop and her staff.  While the timing can vary widely, the average, from the departure of a priest to the arrival of a new priest, is approximately 18 months. Click here for our working timeline.

How often can I expect updates on the process?

The Discernment Committee will keep the Vestry and Parish community (via this web portal) advised periodically of the progress of the search, while maintaining strict confidentiality of candidates under consideration.  

Minimally, our intent is to update the congregation on the process at least every quarter, most likely more often.

Who will be leading St. Andrew’s until a new rector is called?

Ultimately the Bishop and the Vestry are in charge of St. Andrew's until a new full time Rector is selected. The Bishop's office has recommended a supply priest who has agreed to conduct Eucharist services on three (3) Sundays per month. Our pastoral assistant  will become more active in supplying pastoral care, and the congregation will continue in their existing ministries. Lay ministers will be licensed to lead morning prayer for the additional monthly service(s). The Sr. Warden will oversee any staff issues. The Parish Administrator will continue to handle all administrative and fiscal business of the Parish in collaboration with the Sr. Warden and, if applicable, the Treasurer. The chairs of the various ministries will continue to lead their teams while remaining accountable to the vestry.

How can I help?

All the Parish is encouraged to help, including: (a) Praying for the members of the Discernment team that God will guide St. Andrew’s to our next pastor; (b) Offering time and talents to sustain all active ministries during the transition to new leadership as needed; and (c) Supporting, and praying for, the interim supply pastor(s), the appointed lay ministers and Parish staff during this transition period.

Please contact the Senior Warden or the Discernment Committee chair to discuss how to be of assistance, both during this interim phase and in the welcoming of our new rector.

As a parishioner, to whom should I direct questions?

Senior Warden, Jane Parkhurst at

Together We Thrive

We start each meeting with the following prayer:


Almighty God, look graciously on the people of St. Andrew’s.  Be with us and lead us as we seek the next rector for our church community.  We ask your direction and guidance for those who will choose our new spiritual leader, that we may receive a faithful and visionary pastor who will care for us, equip us for our ministries, and call us into the future.  Bless us with mutual trust, respect, and foresight, so that, together, we may hear your voice in all our deliberations. Bless us also with the desire and the ability to hear those who have entrusted us with this responsibility.  Grant us the courage to respond and to act as you would have us.


Come Holy Spirit.  Amen

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